Breaking The Tablets

Breaking the Tablets

There’s a point in every journey where the path you’ve been walking suddenly disappears. Where the ground beneath your feet shifts, the sky grows dark, and everything you once held as true begins to unravel. This is what some call the “dark night of the soul”—a time when faith is tested, when doubt takes over, and when you’re forced to confront the deepest parts of yourself.

For me, this wasn’t a metaphor—it was an experience that stretched over years. It was a slow, grinding process of losing everything I thought I knew and being thrust into the unknown. What I didn’t realize at the time was that this dark night wasn’t a punishment or a failure. It was an initiation. It was the beginning of a new chapter, one that would strip away the illusions I had built my life on and reveal something deeper, something truer.

This book is about that journey. It’s about what happens when the ground disappears and you’re left with nothing but questions. It’s about the process of breaking down and rebuilding, of losing yourself and finding something new on the other side. It’s about learning to surrender control, to trust the unknown, and to embrace the paradoxes of life.

The title, Breaking the Tablets, comes from the story of Moses, who, after spending 40 days on Mount Sinai receiving the Ten Commandments, came down to find the people had fallen into chaos. In his anger, he shattered the tablets, breaking the very laws he had been given. But out of that breaking came something new. The breaking was necessary for the people to grow, to evolve, to become who they were meant to be.

In the same way, this book is about the necessity of breaking—breaking old beliefs, old patterns, old ways of being—and allowing something new to emerge. It’s about embracing the messiness of life, the uncertainty, and the unknown, and finding meaning in the process.

I don’t have all the answers. I’m still on this journey, still learning, still growing. But I’ve come to see that the breaking is not the end—it’s the beginning. And that’s what I want to share with you.

So, let’s walk this path together. Let’s break the tablets of certainty, perfection, and control, and open ourselves to the possibility of something new.

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